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Viện Nghiên cứu và Phát triển Công nghệ cao

Các công trình nghiên cứu quốc tế (Cập nhật tháng 1 năm 2017)

  1. Cheng, M.-Y., Hoang, N.-D.*, Roy, A. F. V., and Wu, Y.-W. (2012). "A novel time-depended evolutionary fuzzy SVM inference model for estimating construction project at completion." Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 25(4), 744–752. Impact Factor = 1.96.
  2. Cheng, M.-Y., and Hoang, N.-D.* (2013). "Interval Estimation of Construction Cost at Completion Using Least Squares Support Vector Machine." Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, 20(2), 223-236. Impact Factor = 1.37.
  3. Cheng, M.-Y., Hoang, N.-D.*, and Wu, Y.-W. (2013). "Hybrid intelligence approach based on LS-SVM and Differential Evolution for construction cost index estimation: A Taiwan case study." Automation in Construction, 35, 306-313. Impact Factor = 1.82.
  4. Cheng, M., and Hoang, N.-D.* (2014). "Risk Score Inference for Bridge Maintenance Project Using Evolutionary Fuzzy Least Squares Support Vector Machine." Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, ASCE, 28(3), 04014003. Impact Factor = 1.39.
  5. Cheng, M., and Hoang, N.-D * (2014). "Groutability Estimation of Grouting Processes with Microfine Cements Using an Evolutionary Instance-Based Learning Approach." Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, ASCE, 28(4), 04014014. Impact Factor = 1.39.
  6. Cheng, M.-Y., and Hoang, N.-D.* (2014). "Groutability prediction of microfine cement based soil improvement using evolutionary LS-SVM inference model." Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, 1-10. Impact Factor = 1.37.
  7. Cheng, M.-Y., and Hoang, N.-D.* (2014). "A novel groutability estimation model for ground improvement projects in sandy silt soil based on Bayesian framework." Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 43, 453-458. Impact Factor = 1.59.
  8. Cheng, M.-Y., Hoang, N.-D.*, Limanto, L., and Wu, Y.-W. (2014). "A novel hybrid intelligent approach for contractor default status prediction." Knowledge-Based Systems, 71(0), 314-321. Impact Factor = 3.06.
  9. Tran, H.-H., and Hoang, N.-D.* (2014). "An Artificial Intelligence Approach for Groutability Estimation Based on Autotuning Support Vector Machine." Journal of Construction Engineering, 2014, 9.
  10. Tran, H.-H., and Hoang, N.-D.* (2014). "A Novel Resource-Leveling Approach for Construction Project Based on Differential Evolution." Journal of Construction Engineering, 2014, 7.
  11. Hoang, N.-D. (2014). "NIDE: A Novel Improved Differential Evolution for Construction Project Crashing Optimization." Journal of Construction Engineering, 2014, 7.
  12. Hoang, N.-D.*, Pham, A.-D., and Cao, M.-T. (2014). "A Novel Time Series Prediction Approach Based on a Hybridization of Least Squares Support Vector Regression and Swarm Intelligence." Applied Computational Intelligence and Soft Computing, 2014, 8.
  13. Cheng, M.-Y., and Hoang, N.-D.* (2015). "A Swarm-Optimized Fuzzy Instance-based Learning approach for predicting slope collapses in mountain roads." Knowledge-Based SystemsImpact Factor = 3.06.
  14. M.-Y. Cheng, N.-D. Hoang*, (2015), “Evaluating Contractor Financial Status Using a Hybrid Fuzzy Instance Based Classifier: Case Study in the Construction Industry”, IEEE Transaction on Engineering Management (Đánh giá tình trạng tài chính của nhà thầu bằng trí tuệ nhân tạo) Impact Factor = 0.9.
  15. M.-Y. Cheng, N.-D. Hoang*, "Slope Collapse Prediction Using Bayesian Framework with K-Nearest Neighbor Density Estimation: Case Study in Taiwan", Journal of Computing in Civil EngineeringImpact Factor = 1.39, doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)CP.1943-5487.0000456, 04014116. (Dự báo sụt lở mái dốc bằng lý thuyết Bayes) (Accepted in 2014, In press).
  16. M.-Y. Cheng, N.-D. Hoang*, Y.-W. Wu (2015), "Cash Flow Prediction for Construction Project Using a Novel Adaptive Time-Dependent Least Squares Support Vector Machine Inference Model", Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, 21 (6), Impact Factor: 1.372, doi: 10.3846/13923730.2014.893906. (Dự báo dòng tiền trong dự án xây dựng bằng trí tuệ nhân tạo).
  17. Nhat-Duc Hoang*, Quoc-Lam Nguyen and Quang-Nhat Pham, (2015) Optimizing Construction Project Labor Utilization Using Differential Evolution: A Comparative Study of Mutation Strategies," Advances in Civil EngineeringESCI.
  18. M-Y. Cheng, N.-D. Hoang*, (2015), Typhoon-induced slope collapse assessment using a novel bee colony optimized support vector classifier, Natural Hazards 78 (3) Impact Factor: 1.72.
  19. Pham Anh Duc, Hoang Nhat-Duc*, Quang-Trung Nguyen (Accepted in 2015, In press), Predicting Compressive Strength of High Performance Concrete Using Metaheuristic-Optimized Least Squares Support Vector Regression, Journal of Computing in Civil EngineeringImpact Factor = 1.39.
  20. N.-D. Hoang*, A.-D. Pham (2016), Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Approach Based on Metaheuristic and Machine Learning for Slope Stability Assessment: A Multinational Data Analysis, Expert Systems with Applications , Impact factor = 2.240.
  21. N.-D. Hoang*, Dieu Tien Bui (2016), A Novel Relevance Vector Machine Classifier with Cuckoo Search Optimization for Spatial Prediction of Landslides, Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering , Impact factor = 1.27.
  22. D.T Vu, N.-D. Hoang*, "Punching Shear Capacity Estimation of FRP-Reinforced Concrete Slabs Using a Hybrid Machine Learning Approach", Structure and Infrastructure Engineering (accepted, in press), Impact factor = 1.45.
  23. M-Y. Cheng, D.-H. Tran*, N.-D. Hoang, Fuzzy Clustering Chaotic-Based Differential Evolution for Resource Leveling in Construction Projects, Journal of Civil Engineering and Management (Accepted, in press), Impact factor = 1.07.
  24. M.-Y. Cheng, N.-D. Hoang*, "A Self-Adaptive Fuzzy Inference Model Based on Least Squares SVM for Estimating Compressive Strength of Rubberized Concrete", International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making, Impact factor = 1.406, (Accepted in 02/2016).
  25. Thu-Hien Tran, Nhat-Duc Hoang*, "Predicting Colonization Growth of Algae on Mortar Surface with Artificial Neural Network", Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, Impact factor = 1.27, (Accepted in  03/2016).
  26. Dieu Tien Bui*, Binh Thai Pham, Quoc Phi Nguyen, N.-D. Hoang, Spatially Prediction of Rainfall-Induced Shallow Landslides Using a Hybrid Integration Approach of Least Squares Support Vector Machines and Differential Evolution Optimization: A Case Study in Central Vietnam, International Journal of Digital Earth, Impact factor =  3.291(Accepted in 03/2016).
  27. Dieu Tien Bui*, Quoc Phi Nguyen, Nhat-Duc Hoang, Harald Klempe, A Novel Fuzzy K-Nearest Neighbor Inference model with Differential Evolution for Spatial Prediction of Rainfall-Induced Shallow Landslides in a Tropical Hilly Area using GIS, Landslides, Impact Factor = 2.870 (Accepted in March 2016).
  28. Dieu Tien Bui*, Tuan Anh Tran, Nhat-Duc Hoang, Thanh Quoc Nguyen, Duy Ba Nguyen, Liem Van Ngo, Pradhan Biswajeet, Spatial Prediction of Rainfall-induced Landslides for the Lao Cai area (Vietnam) Using a Novel hybrid Intelligent Approach of Least-Squares Support Vector Machines Inference Model and Artificial Bee Colony Optimization, Landslides, Impact Factor = 2.870  (Accepted in April 2016).
  29. N.-D. Hoang*, Bui Dieu-Tien, K.-W Liao, Groutability Estimation of Grouting Processes with Cement Grouts Using a Novel Metaheuristic Optimized Support Vector Machine, Applied Soft Computing, Impact Factor = 2.8 (In Press) (Accepted in 04 2016).
  30. Nhat-Duc Hoang*, Dieu Tien Bui, Predicting Earthquake-Induced Soil Liquefaction Based on a Hybridization of Kernel Fisher Discriminant Analysis and Least Squares Support Vector Machine: A Multi-Dataset Study, Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, Impact Factor = 1.2 (Accepted, In press).
  31. Nhat-Duc Hoang*, Anh-Duc Pham, Quoc-Lam Nguyen and Quang-Nhat Pham, Estimating Compressive Strength of High Performance Concrete with Gaussian Process Regression Model, Advances in Civil Engineering (ESCI, ISI), 2016.
  32. N.-D. Hoang* and A.-D. Pham, Estimating Concrete Workability Based on Slump Test with Least Squares Support Vector Regression. Journal of Construction Engineering (2016).
  33. Thu-Hien Tran, Nhat-Duc Hoang*, Estimation of Algal Colonization Growth on Mortar Surface Using a Hybridization of Machine Learning and Metaheuristic Optimization, Sādhanā, SCIE (Accepted 1/2016).
  34. M-Y. Cheng, N.-D. Hoang*, Estimating Construction Duration of Diaphragm Wall Using Firefly-Tuned Least Squares Support Vector Machine, Neural computing and applications, SCIE (Accepted 1/2016).